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Dell Inspiron 7370 for sa...
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Posted by: Gray - 2019-11-17, 06:49 PM - Forum: Writing - Replies (1)

He was running as fast as he could, but it felt like it was hopeless - he could hear it behind him, loping along, easily keeping pace.
Jean's breath was ragged in his chest, his throat felt raw from the cold air, but he pushed for a little more speed. It was just up the next hill - if he could make it - not safety, but maybe a glimmer of hope.  There was the smallest of chances if he made it and if his trap actually worked - but that was two very big "if's".

The trap had taken minutes of planning and then days of sweat - digging out the pit that would now hopefully trap the wolf. 
The only missing element was the bait, and somehow it had ended up being him. 
His idea, they had said, so his responsibility.  Stupid, stupid, stupid!  Why did he have to come up with these hair-brained ideas without realising - in his town, these things always went against him. He was the loner, the outcast, the expendable. He should have known he would end up being the "bait" in this plan. Why couldn't he have had normal parents like the rest of them? But then he wouldn't have been able to spend so much time in the woods; so much time discovering, exploring, practicing sneaking up on deer and other unsuspecting animals. His education had been a limitless array of subjects, taught by observation and imagination. Families, he watched the squirrels and the badgers. Territories, he watched the bears and the phalante, those large, miss-understood beasts - so ugly and aggressive, and yet so intelligent.

No time for mulling now though, his muscles screamed as he pushed up the hill.  In the back of his mind he wondered why the lone wolf was playing with him - why hadn't he caught and pounced on him? His timing was totally off as he had had to go much further till he found it. The initial bait to attract the predator - a half a chicken, hadn't drawn the wolf as expected and after most of the day hiding and waiting, he'd had to venture further into the woods. No he was running for his life and somehow hadn't been put down yet.
Was there something else there that he hadn't realised? But no, he had seen the bloody remains of the wolfs work. This was no joke - no game at all.
He could almost feel the claws ripping into his back and teeth tearing at his flesh as he scampered over the narrow pathway across the pit and dived the last few feet onto the solid ground beyond.
With a roll he covered his head with his arms waiting for the crash as the wolf fell into the trap; it seemed like an eternity before he heard a crack of branches and collapse of the trap.
As he lifted his head and looked back, what he saw turned his heart to ice. The wolf stood at the far side of the pit, bright eyes watching him, grey fur beautiful in the morning sun and a red red tongue surrounded by those long, deadly, white teeth.

He could see the wolf had stopped just in time to trigger the trap, but hadn't fallen in. This was bad!
The wolf looked down and then back at Jean and tilted his head to the side, puzzled - almost like a question? What? That didn't make any sense, why was he thinking that.
A second later Jean was sprinting back towards the village. He couldn't feel his legs, he couldn't feel the scratches and twigs left stuck in his clothes, all he could see was the bridge in front of him. The bridge meant safety and once he crossed it he would breathe. As he sprinted across the open ground he flashed a glance over his shoulder and saw nothing behind him. Nothing chasing. His mad dash slowly bounced to a jerky halt on abused legs that felt like sticks.

Looking back he thought he saw a pair of yellow eyes looking back and felt an unexplained sadness that flashed through his chest.
Wolves ran in packs, like family. What had caused this one to end up alone? Jean had been abandoned. The village made sure he remembered that he was a throw-away, but what of the wolf? Where was his pack?

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  Dell Inspiron 7370 for sale
Posted by: Gray - 2019-04-02, 12:01 PM - Forum: Hardware - Replies (2)

Dell Inspiron 7370
Age: 18 Months
Price: R12 000
Warranty: Expired
Packaging: Will bubble and box nicely.
Condition: 9/10 (wear and tear - lid has minor scratch, body corner has a scrape - see pics). Working 110% - see below.

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  Sales process
Posted by: Gray - 2018-02-03, 11:43 AM - Forum: Sales Questions - No Replies

The system is hosted for you so there there is very little work needed from your side.

  • Send an email to sales (sales @ chadmin.biz) with ALL of the following information:
    Full Church Name:
    Church website:
    Name of Contact Person:
    Church contact email:
    Church telephone number:
    Church address:
    Billing address (if it differs):
    Be sure to state that you are signing up for an instance of Chadmin.
  • You will be sent an email with an invoice for the licence & setup fee.
  • Make the payment (via EFT preferred) and send proof of payment to sales @ chadmin.biz
  • It typically takes about one business day to process the request and set up the new instance.
  • Once it has been set up, you will be sent an email with your brand-new Chadmin web-address,
    and the login details that have been added using the contact person's information.
    You will also be sent the user manual (pdf).
  • It is also possible to change your Chadmin address to something like: chadmin.mychurchwebsite.com
    Just ask your IT person to contact our support team (support @ chadmin.biz) to arrange it.
If you have any questions about this, please register here (just your name and email needed) and post your questions, or if you would prefer, send an email to our sales team (sales @ chadmin.biz).

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  Adding member addresses
Posted by: admin - 2017-04-23, 12:30 PM - Forum: How To Guides - Replies (1105)

An address represents a single residence or postal address.
All the people that reside at an address should be linked to that address.
All the people receiving post at an address should be linked to that address.
A single address can be the postal and the residential address for a number of people, in which case each person would be linked to that address twice - once with Address Type = Residential, and once with Address Type = Postal.

Search for the member under Members > Search;
In the block for Addresses, click on [Add];
Fill in the address information;
Add members by typing in the members' lastname, a comma and then their firstname.  e.g. Soap, Joe
Select the member from the list that appears;
Select the correct Address Type from the drop-down for that line;
Add additional lines for additional members as needed.

See the video below for more details:

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  Adding members
Posted by: admin - 2017-04-23, 12:19 PM - Forum: How To Guides - Replies (1037)

Go to members > search;
Click on [Add] button;
Fill in the necessary fields;
Click on the [Save] button.

Steps for family members

For each member, add as above, except select the correct Family Role from the drop-down;
Under Head Member, type in the head members' lastname, a comma and then the firstname.  e.g. Soap, Joe and select from the list that appears.

See the video below for more

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